Delivering seabed geodiversity information through multidisciplinary mapping initiatives: experiences from Norway




geodiversity, gemorphons, marine geology, seabed mapping, sediment grain size


Geology is a core component of two major multidisciplinary seabed-mapping initiatives in Norway (MAREANO, Marine Base Maps for the Coastal Zone). Helped by Norway’s Nature Diversity Act, which acknowledges geological and landscape diversity alongside biodiversity, geological information has gained recognition nationally as part of an essential foundation for knowledge-based management, both in the coastal zone and offshore. Recently, international focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has led to the proposal of Essential Geodiversity Variables, a framework for geological (geodiversity) information, intended to stand alongside Essential Variables already defined for climate, biodiversity and oceans (limited to ocean physics, biochemistry, biology, and ecosystems). Here we examine to what extent map products from the Geological Survey of Norway generated under these multidisciplinary mapping initiatives fit within this framework of Essential Geodiversity Variables and how well it is suited to information on marine geodiversity. Although we conclude that the framework is generally a good fit for the marine-relevant Essential Geodiversity Variable classes (geology and geomorphology), we examine opportunities for further highlighting quantitative geodiversity information. We present preliminary examples of substrate diversity and morphological diversity and discuss our experience of geological mapping as part of multidisciplinary initiatives. We highlight many benefits, which far outweigh any perceived or real compromises of this approach in monetary, practical and scientific terms.


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Geodiversity maps



How to Cite

Dolan, M. F. J., Bøe, R., & Bjarnadóttir, L. R. (2022). Delivering seabed geodiversity information through multidisciplinary mapping initiatives: experiences from Norway. GEUS Bulletin, 52.