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Kamla, Elina , Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Karamzadeh, Nasim, International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Arghavan St. 21, North Dibajee, Farmanieh Tehran 3913/19395 Islamic Republic of Iran
Karan, Sachin , Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Karinen, Arto, Radai Oy, Teknologiantie 18, 90590 Oulu, Finland
Karlsson, Christine , Department of Geology, University of Lund, Sölvegatan 12, S-22362 Lund, Sweden
Karlsson, Nanna , Department of Glaciology and Climate, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark
Karlsson, Nanna B. , Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350, Copenhagen K, Denmark
Karlsson, Nanna B. , Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Karlsson, Nanna B., Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Karlsson Seidenfaden, Ida , Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Kaskela, Anu M, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Espoo, Finland
Kazerouni, Afsoon M, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, Denmark
Keiding, Jakob K. , Centre for Minerals and Materials (MiMa), Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark
Keiding, Jakob K., Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Keiding, Marie , Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5–7, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark

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