Competing Interests

Authors, editors and reviewers are required to declare any actual or perceived competing interests. For example, where the authors and editors come from the same institution, or where the authors, editors or reviewers have a competing financial interest that may be perceived to impact the publication of the work.

Peer reviewers will always be substantially independent of the authors. They should come from a different institution to the authors and have no substantial shared collaborations or publication history within the previous 2 years. Any such potential competing interests, whether real or perceived, should be declared to the subject editor. Our subject editors will always be guided by the peer reviews, but the decision to publish a manuscript rests with the subject editor and the editor in chief.

Instances of undisclosed conflict of interest will be handled according to the guidelines outlined by COPE.

GEUS Disclosure: The GEUS Bulletin editorial team includes subject editors from GEUS. Subject to editor availability and expertise, some papers by GEUS authors may be handled by a subject editor from the same institution as one or more of the authors. As the GEUS Bulletin continues to expand its editorial team and submissions from outside GEUS, such situations will become less common. This in no way affects the editorial independence of the journal and exerts no undue influence on the decision to publish or reject a manuscript or the extent of revisions required. For content published in 2019 or earlier, editor names (though not always their affiliation) are provided in the PDFs for each volume. All articles published in or after 2020, include both the subject editor's name and affiliation.


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