Neural network predictions of drawdown from groundwater abstraction in the Egebjerg catchment, Denmark




Decision support, Groundwater modelling, Machine learning, Probabilistic neural network, Resource management


Results from numerical simulations play a vital role in the decision process of everyday groundwater management. However, these simulations can be time-consuming for large-scale investigations, and it can be necessary to apply approximate methods instead. This study investigates the abilities of a neural network to replicate simulated drawdown from groundwater abstraction in a numerical groundwater model of the Egebjerg catchment, Denmark. We follow a generalised methodology that uses the information within the deterministic numerical model to create a training set for the neural network to learn from and extend the method to work in a 3D Danish groundwater model case. We compare the abilities of the trained neural network with the results of conventional computations in terms of speed and accuracy and argue that this approach has the potential to improve decision support for decision-makers within groundwater management.


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Graphs showing modflow results.



How to Cite

Dahl, M. B., Vilhelmsen, T. N., Enemark, T., & Hansen, T. M. (2023). Neural network predictions of drawdown from groundwater abstraction in the Egebjerg catchment, Denmark. GEUS Bulletin, 53.

