Late Quaternary history of Lammefjorden, north-west Sjælland, Denmark


  • Ole Bennike Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Aarhus, Denmark
  • Peter Roll Jakobsen Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Aarhus, Denmark
  • Jakob Walløe Hansen UNESCO Global Geopark Odsherred, Nykøbing, Denmark



Lammefjorden, Sjælland, Quaternary, Lateglacial, Holocene


Lammefjorden is a reclaimed fjord in north-west Sjælland, Denmark. Sediment cores from the area were collected to study its development after the last deglaciation, in particular the sea-level history. Late glacial and Early Holocene lake and bog deposits occur below marine deposits. Sparse late glacial fossil assemblages indicate tree-less environments with dwarf-shrub heaths. Early Holocene deposits contain remains of Betula sec. Albae sp. and Pinus sylvestris, which indicate open forests. The wetland flora comprised the calciphilous reed plant Cladium mariscus and the water plant Najas marina. Marine gyttja from basins is characterised by sparse benthic faunas, probably due to high sedimentation rates. In some areas, shell-rich deposits were found, with large shells of Ostrea edulis, indicative of high summer temperatures, high salinity and strong tidal currents. A marine shell dated to 6.7 cal. ka provides a minimum age for the marine transgression of Lammefjorden.


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How to Cite

Bennike, O., Roll Jakobsen, P., & Walløe Hansen, J. (2020). Late Quaternary history of Lammefjorden, north-west Sjælland, Denmark. GEUS Bulletin, 44.




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