GEUS Bulletin now supports ORCID integration


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Now, authors, editors and reviewers of GEUS Bulletin can authenticate their user profiles by connecting to their ORCID record.

Here, we explain briefly what ORCID is, why we are improving our integration with ORCID and what this means for you as a user of GEUS Bulletin.

What is ORCID and how is it used at GEUS Bulletin?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes individual researchers and supports automated links between researchers and their published research.

By integrating ORCID into GEUS Bulletin’s workflow and user registration page, we are now able to:

  • collect and authenticate authorship information via ORCID iD
  • automatically request ORCID iD authentication from co-authors
  • display an author’s authenticated ORCID iD in published articles, which links to the author’s ORCID record.
Accurate identification of authors and improved citation metadata

Integrating with ORCID means that GEUS Bulletin supports publishing best practice. It allows us to distinguish between authors with a similar name and ensures that up-to-date authorship information is provided at the time of publication, regardless of changes in the author’s name or affiliation.

Our new ORCID integration demonstrates a commitment to transparency and credibility by accurately attributing authors to their published works, and supports collection of accurate article metadata, including author information, by sharing publication details with the DOI registration agency, CrossRef.

What does this mean for you?

The new integration can be used by all registered users of GEUS Bulletin as well as new users when making a submission for the first time.

New authors: create or connect your ORCID iD to your GEUS Bulletin profile

New users can create an ORCID profile or connect their existing profile during registration with GEUS Bulletin.

Simply click “Create or connect your ORCID iD” when you register with GEUS Bulletin before making your submission.

View of the registration pageFig. 1 New journal users can connect to ORCID during registration.

Connecting your ORCID iD confirms that it is valid and prefills information from your ORCID record to the journal’s registration form. This ensures that your ORCID iD link is correctly listed in your user profile and associated with all your published articles in GEUS Bulletin.

Existing authors, editors and reviewers: authenticate your profile with ORCID

If you are already registered as an author, editor or reviewer with GEUS Bulletin, you can still connect your ORCID iD to your profile.

View of user profile page with ORCID integrationFig. 2 Existing journal users can connect to ORCID by logging in and navigating to their user profile.

Log in to the journal and go to your user profile. Under “Public” click “Create or connect your ORCID iD”. Your authorship information is subsequently verified via ORCID.

Automatic authentication for co-authors

The new integration also makes it easier when adding co-authors to a submission. During the submission, corresponding authors can select the option to alert their co-author of the new submission and request them to authenticate their information via ORCID.

Alternatively, when an article is accepted for publication, co-authors who have not authenticated their information via ORCID will automatically be invited to do so.

This makes sure that your co-authors’ information is correct and that the correct ORCID iD is listed in the published article.

Find out more about ORCID

ORCID is an independent non-profit organization. ORCID is integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions, and other research-related services.

Read more about ORCID authentication and how GEUS Bulletin connects with ORCID.