Author Instructions

We recommend reading each of the sections below before preparing your submission to GEUS Bulletin.

Download the full author instructions (PDF) >


Formats and Publishing Criteria

This section describes the types of submissions that you can make to GEUS Bulletin and our editorial criteria for deciding whether to publish. Authors should read this section before making a submission to GEUS Bulletin.


Editorial and Peer Review Process

We recommend reading this section if it is the first time that you are submitting an article to GEUS Bulletin. Here, we outline the editorial process from the moment we receive your submission through to publication, including how to report an issue with your submission, make an appeal or raise a complaint.


Pre-Submission Enquiries

Authors can follow the instructions in this section to seek feedback on their manuscript ahead of making a submission or to ask a question related to the submission, editorial and review processes.


Submitting a Manuscript

This section describes how to submit your manuscript to GEUS Bulletin, including a list of all the information you will need to complete your submission. This section also covers how to submit an accompanying data set or code to the GEUS Bulletin data repostiory (Dataverse).


Preparing an Initial Submission

Please read this section before preparing your manuscript files. This section contains full instructions to help you prepare and format your initial submission, including the main text, figures and tables, references, supplementary files and other important items. You can also download submission templates to help prepare your manuscript file.


Preparing a Final Submission

This section is for authors resubmitting a manuscript after receiving comments from the peer-review stage. We require a few additional steps and checks in the final submission. This section will help you prepare the final production-ready display items (figures and tables), text and reference styles. Please read this section carefully before preparing your resubmission.


Post-Publication Press and Outreach

Here we describe our process for selecting articles for press releases, and help authors develop their own outreach strategy including social media campaigns, blog posts and advice for how to approach journalists.

(A link to this page is coming soon)


Other Formatting Considerations

A list of additional considerations to help authors format their manuscript. 



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